
Fitness Routines For Women Through The Decades

Aging is all about embracing life with renewed enthusiasm and aiming to be your best version, which is incomplete without attaining good health. So, if you have been wanting to prioritize your health but wondering ...

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Understanding Fertility in Your 30s: Myths and Facts

Women's biological clocks ticking their way to an advanced age is often seen as a time bomb just about to explode and ready to reduce a woman's fertility into smithereens. Despite all the societal pressure and potential health risks, more women are choosing to prioritize their careers and gaining a foothold professionally and financially before starting a family. ...

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5 Essential Tips for Smoothly Transitioning into Menopause

Menopause is a natural biological process that marks the end of menstrual cycles. It's diagnosed after you've gone 12 months without a menstrual period. This transition typically occurs in women in their late 40s to early 50s, but the experience can vary widely. ...

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Birth Control and Hormonal Health: What Every Woman Should Know

Birth control, often referred to as contraception, has been a revolutionary tool in women's reproductive health. While its primary function is to prevent unwanted pregnancies, the influence of birth control on hormonal health is a topic of significant interest and importance. ...

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3 Major Hormonal Shifts Women Experience and How to Manage Them

Hormones are the silent orchestrators of many of our body's processes, especially in women. Throughout their lives, women undergo several significant hormonal shifts that can influence everything from mood to physical health. Understanding ...

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5 Key Changes to Expect in Your Body During Your 20s

The 20s are often heralded as the golden years, a time of exploration, self-discovery, and significant growth. While the focus is frequently on career, relationships, and personal development, the body too undergoes a series of remarkable transformations during this decade. ...

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Period Myths Debunked: Separating Fact from Fiction for Young Women

Throughout history, menstruation has been surrounded by myths and misconceptions. These myths have often led to fear, anxiety, and even shame among young women. In this article, we aim to debunk some of the most common and absurd myths related to periods, providing evidence-based information ...

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5 Key Benefits of D-Mannose for Urinary Health

Urinary health is a vital aspect of overall well-being, and with the increasing prevalence of urinary tract issues, it's essential to find effective solutions. D-Mannose, a naturally occurring sugar found in various fruits, has been the subject of numerous studies for its potential benefits in supporting urinary health. ...

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The Connection Between Hormones and Women's Wellness: A Deep Dive into Thyroid and Hormonal Imbalance

Hormones play a vital role in every woman's health and well-being. Understanding the Connection Between Hormones and Women's Wellness is essential for every woman as they go through different phases of life. This article delves into the intricate relationship between hormones, thyroid function, and women's overall wellness. ...

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Self-Care Practices for Women: A Detailed Guide to Wellness

In the hustle and bustle of life, it's easy to forget about taking care of ourselves. This is especially true for women, who often juggle multiple roles and responsibilities. However, self-care is not a luxury—it's a necessity. In this article, we will delve into the world of self-care practices for ...

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Empowering Women's Health: The Role of a Women's Health Coach

Balancing work, family, and personal responsibilities often leaves little time for self-care. That's where a women's health coach comes in. These dedicated professionals are instrumental in guiding and supporting women on their journey to holistic well-being. In this article, ....

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Tips for Speeding Up Recovery After a C-Section

The latest data from the Center For Disease Prevention And Control has reported that approximately 27% live births are caesarean deliveries in the USA. It means more than one-fourth women in America give birth ....

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What Are The Foods Good For Gut Health?

Can you guess the answer? Yes, spot on! It is about your gut aka the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. It is a long tube-like structure that runs from the mouth to the anus. The GI tract is a part of the digestive ....

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Why Women Are At A Higher Risk of Heart Attack than Men in Older Age?

The Texas Heart Institute reports that women are more susceptible to cardiovascular diseases than men. It causes more than 40% of deaths of women in America. However, it is often underestimated ....

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How Long Does Vaginal Bleeding Last After C-Section?

Childbirth is an incredibly transformative experience that can bring great joy into a woman's life. From the moment a woman finds out she is pregnant, she embarks on a journey full of wonder and excitement. As her body changes ....

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Why Should Women Try Ginger-U 'S Dietary Supplements?

Supplements, as the word suggests, are meant to supplement or enhance the intake of nutrients that may be lacking in an individual's diet. These are available as pills, capsules, powders, liquids, and bars and may contain vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts, amino acids, ...

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Can You Exercise While On Your Period?

Period symptoms are different for everyone who bleeds. So, the answer to whether it is safe to exercise during periods depends on the severity of symptoms. Obviously, someone with crippling back ache or cramps ...

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Endometriosis Diet: What Should You Eat and Avoid

Endometriosis refers to a health condition wherein endometrium, or tissue similar to the lining of the uterus, grows on the exterior of the uterus, most commonly on the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and tissue lining the ...

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Is Sleeping With A Bra At Night Harmful?

Since its invention in the early 1900s, the modern bra has undergone many changes in terms of design, support, and variety of sizes. They are an essential part of women's clothing and have evolved to provide both style and ...

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What Are The Vaginal Changes That Occur With Age?

Your body shows signs of aging, like wrinkles, gray hair, and sagging skin. However, aging changes the vagina and vulva too. Surprised to know? Well! The hormonal ups and downs affect the feel and function of your vagina. Read on to learn how aging affects your vagina. ...

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How Does Losing Weight Help With PCOS?

The CDC estimates that polycystic ovarian disorder (PCOS) affects up to 12% of women in the US. The common PCOS symptoms include ...

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Is It Safe For A Woman To Shave Pubic Hair?

The vagina makes the world go round. It is not just a part of your reproductive anatomy but a powerful organ that plays a role ...

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What Are the Breast Changes That Occur With Age?

Breasts symbolize femininity, motherhood, sexuality, and sensuality, and they have a growth story too. Want to know about the ...

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Can Skin Care Products Affect Hormones?

Well! Speaking evidentially, yes. What you put on the skin may affect hormones. The Central for Disease Control and Prevention's ...

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Five Ways Your Vagina Might Change After You Give Birth

“The heart is capable of sacrifice. So is the vagina. The heart is able to forgive and repair. It can change its shape ...”

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Five Signs You Might Have Endometriosis

The World Health Organization estimates that endometriosis globally affects at least 10% of girls and women in the reproductive age range. However, the numbers could be higher. The normalization of period pain as a part of women’s lives makes some women endure debilitating period pain for years before seeking treatment. If period pain feels like an invisible saw ripping through your pelvis, lower back, and vaginal walls, it’s time to get checked for endometriosis. […]

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What Should You Eat During Your Period?

Period memes and ads often show menstruating women gorging on junk food. So, is there really a connection between food and periods? Well! Yes, hormonal changes affect neurotransmitters, usually during ovulation and after. Consequently, your body hankers after sweets, carbs, and fat, making you choose high-calorie treats. […]

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Five Common Causes of Breast Pain and Tips to Manage It

Most women experience breast pain or mastalgia at some point in their lives. Knowing the causes of mastalgia helps understand how to alleviate it and may prevent its recurrence. Read on to understand what may cause pain in breasts.[…]

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Is Your Acne Hormonal or Mask Acne?

Acne at any age is really bothersome. It can impact one’s confidence, social life, and even career. Hormonal fluctuation or imbalance is the primary reason for acne in women. Other causes include genetics, the effects of certain medications, and wearing a mask.[…]

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Five Common Gynecological Problems Every Woman Should Know

A woman's body undergoes multiple changes during her lifetime. It may also lead to gynecological issues from time to time. There are several gynecological disorders that might affect women depending on various health factors. A few are more common  […]

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Women in Pain

Ways To Ease Pelvic Pain In Women

A common problem among women, pelvic pain has several causes. It may be acute, chronic, severe, or sudden, depending upon the exact cause. Its nature, intensity, and duration also vary. Sometimes, it may be difficult to pinpoint the precise location where the pain originates from. For example, pelvic pain may start because of a problem in the genitals or organs surrounding the pelvis, or it may even be psychosomatic. […]

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Breast Cancer Awareness

A Guide On Breast Cancer And Its Treatment

Cancer occurs when certain changes called mutations take place in genes that regulate cell growth. The mutations let the cells divide and multiply in an uncontrollably. Breast cancer originates in the breast tissue; it occurs when cells in the breast grow and divide  […]

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Healthy Bodyweight

Tips To Maintain A Healthy Body Weight

For a healthy body weight, it is essential to have a healthy lifestyle, but it can be difficult to know how to maintain a healthy BMI. Being underweight and overweight are both not healthy. Maintaining a healthy weight is important for one and all. A healthy body weight is important to overall health and helps prevent and control many autoimmune diseases and conditions. […]

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Pregnant Women

Risk Of Health Problems During Pregnancy When Underweight

A healthy diet and regular exercise are your best ways to ensure a healthy pregnancy and baby...

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Healthy Diet

How Does Obesity Contribute To Hypertension?

Obesity and hypertension are the primary causes of cardiovascular diseases. Obese individuals are at high risk if they tend to carry their weight around their ...

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Wavy Calligraphy Line

Hormonal Imbalance: Symptoms And Ways To Balance Hormones Naturally

Hormones are vital for regulating major bodily processes. Because of their essential role in the …

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Breast Self-Exam

5 Important Steps Of Breast Self-Examination

Globally, breast cancer is the most common cancer that affects women. In the U.S., one in eight women suffers from this life-threatening  […]

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healthy drink

Understand How Hormones Affect Your Skin

Pollution, diet, skin care products, and cosmetics are not the only factors that affect women’s skin. Hormones too play a significant role in maintaining the health  […]

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Women holding cup of coffee and thinking

How Often Can You Take Plan B? What To Know

Plan B is one of the brands of levonorgestrel, a synthetic form of hormone progestin for preventing pregnancy after unprotected sex or birth control  […]

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Women and Primrose

How To Self-Care After An Abortion?

Abortion affects women physically and emotionally, which is why women’s self-care and well-being post-abortion is essential  […]

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